Coronavirus – A fresh haircut is all I wanted

After four months of waiting I needed a good shearing: that is my first step to returning to normality

Once it was announced that hairdressers and barbers were allowed to open my plan was in place; be there early and wait!

Well I was what I thought was early but there was a queue at 8:30.

Being the custom I waited to take my turn. As I arrived I heard another chap talking to other queue members so I knew who I had to wait behind.

I was prepared for a wait and once a seat became available I settled in to amusing myself: reading and people watching.

Listening to discussions of others chatting with people passing by, a hair cut was taking about 30 minutes … Hmmmm! ten people … a five hour wait!

Quickly I consoled my self with the though that after a four month wait, and my desperation to get a haircut the wait was fine.

This wait proved to be justified as a barber came out to view the queue and was engage with a potentially customer who asked whether if he booked a haircut over the phone could he jump the queue. No; firstly they were not answering the phone today and secondly there was a three week wait!

Emergency stuck as three hours later I needed a comfort break! The chap next to me obliged and kept my place.

People left the queue not to return so I my haircut was started at 12:30 – a mere four a hours of waiting.

For the record: this is the longest time I have queued – not even the commuter train service to London has had my pleasure of waiting that long.

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